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Summer 2024: AirborneKicks 2-day

AirborneKicks – a fantastic martial arts conditioning experience -- NEW FORMAT!!! 2DAYS: Mon/Tue, Aug 12 & 13: 2:30-4:30pm, AND 2DAYS: Mon/Tue, Aug 19 & 20: 2:30-4:30pm Tuition is $300 for each 2-day session GrandMaster is offering these shorter camps as…

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Summer 2024: Artistic Weaponry Workshop

New Format - your Artistic Weaponry Camp in 3-days! Learn and practice the TwinSticks and Nunchauka, created and taught by martial artist extraordinaire, Supreme GrandMaster Yu. Revised, 3-day, Aug 6,7,8, 2024: 2:30-4:30pm; Tuition $345/3days or $150/day. (we encourage enrollment for…

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Martial Arts For Kids

April 2016 News & Updates

Hello Parents & Students! We are happy to announce our new website, which gives you easier access to information about the dojhang, programs, and events, and more ways to interact with each other and share information.
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