Your Martial Arts Practice Now!
There are so many talented bright lights in our Day! Let us introduce you to Alex, age 7, who has been studying around 5 months; she comes to class consistently and dedicates herself to being the best of the best. She has passion for her martial art! Her goal is always moving forward….she wants to be good, she wants to be strong, she wants to be healthy. Let us be inspired by Alex!
As news of the national, state and local presence of the COVID-19 Virus changes daily, we wanted you to know we are taking every precaution to continue to provide you with a safe, healthy, professional and caring environment for your martial arts practice. Our Logo says it all: Mu Yay Do: Uphold Our Martial Arts Way of Life! Thank you Alex, for reminding us and living the meaning of our Martial Artist’s Way.
Maintaining Healthy Habits
GrandMaster Yu and all the instructors have been actively monitoring and caring for our health and wellness, while encouraging students and families to do the same. As we consistently do with the children, we are reminding them the best defense against danger of any kind is prevention, which in this case means building immunity from the inside out: getting adequate rest, choosing healthy foods, following a regular habit of movement and exercise, staying home when feeling unwell, and practicing good personal hygiene. We continue to encourage these same practices with our youth and adult students.
We are sanitizing surfaces and continuing with our strict daily cleaning protocol. We are handwashing and sanitizing frequently. Also, as you may know, we personally greet all visitors to preserve the cleanliness, etiquette and safety of our environment. Parents and Family are always welcome to view the classes and ceremonies, however we ask that you and your children avoid coming to class if you or they are sick or displaying symptoms as posted by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control). Please be vigilant about your health: You are all important to us! We will be keeping our distance and focusing on the activity, instruction and safety on the mat.
Staying Grateful to Our Health
We are grateful to have very well-educated, quality students of all ages, all of whom we consider to be like family to us. Your success is our purpose. We are committed to your health on many different levels, which is why we have decided to continue to be here for you to pursue your goals and promote your enjoyment of your martial arts practice.
The uncertainty has produced stress and anxiety, allayed while spending time learning at the Dojhang. We have a Martial Arts Creed, which we and our students and families sincerely try to follow. At this time, we will proceed with our schedule, including our Promotion Ceremony on Friday, March 20th. We will be closed for Spring Break starting Saturday, March 21, anticipating a return to class on Monday, March 29. We will continue to monitor the situation, and consult with our Student & Parent Advisors. Together, we will successfully defeat any obstacle that intrudes on our collective success and wellbeing.
(Artwork courtesy of Alex D, Age 7)
Contact Us
For any questions not answered above, please contact Master Wilson at (708) 383-3456 or contact@master-sh-yu.com