How Can I discover THE BEST that lies within me?
Updated on December 22nd, 2021 at 02:35 pm
We celebrate all of our students, many who have, with longevity and purpose, studied and practiced for more than half of their lives. We welcome back students who, because of academic, family, or professional commitments, return seasonally to their martial arts home.
Having Sr. GrandMaster Yu as a teacher assures us of continued advancement at every level. There is always a new form to learn, more advanced, improved sequences, and a better way to search inside ourselves for “our absolute best”. A teacher who continuously practices and expects the best of himself will always expect the best from us!
Sabom Nim Miss Elana Abrams, age 22, 4th Dan, advancing towards 5th Dan Master’s level, has studied with Sr. GrandMaster Yu since age 6. She was recently home with us, and presented her essay during her test on, “How can I discover ‘The Absolute Best’ that is within me and has not yet made an appearance?”
“My absolute best self is a constantly moving focal point. To me, reaching that point requires looking into myself to reflect on my flaws and shortcomings and pushing myself each day to improve. That means actively thinking about and practicing ways to improve school studies, martial arts techniques, and myself in general. It also requires reaching out to others. No one can become their best alone. Other people are able to point out mistakes I have missed and show me techniques that I alone would not have thought of. As I observe, ask questions, and push myself to improve, I get that much closer to finding my absolute best.”
Added Motivation for our Winter Training! Thank you, and see you in the Spring, Miss Elana!