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Sparring Practice And Martial Arts Equipment1

Martial Arts Equipment Cleaning and Care Tips

Martial artists wear a range of gear during classes. The headgear, shin guards, and hand wraps, get well-worn. We encourage regularly cleaning of your equipment for your and everyone's protection, health and safety.  With our goal to return to regular…

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Martial Arts Dohjang

How Do Karate and Taekwondo Differ?

As two widely popular forms of the martial arts, karate and taekwondo are similar in style and require equal levels of discipline to advance to the next belt ranks. Despite the many similarities between the two disciplines, karate and taekwondo…

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Kids Martial Arts - May 2021

How Long Does It Take to Master Karate?

Karate is one of the most popular martial arts disciplines. Trainees learn to strategically throw punches, kick and strike as a means of self-defense. Studying with GrandMaster Yu Martial Arts Instructors, our students learn so much about karate in just…

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