Essay Question-March 2022 Promotion Test
Congratulations to everybody who stepped forward to test on March 5th! We were so impressed with your progress, determination and pure grit! Overall, an awesome day!
If this is your first test, then you can now learn there is an Essay Requirement! We look forward to bringing back our Promotion Ceremony (hopefully in June!) when we all gather together, present our essays, and receive our promotions according to traditional martial arts etiquette. For now, please prepare your essays, handwritten preferred for children (teens and adults can type!), and submit per our essay preparation guidelines by Friday March 18th (or earlier). You can turn them in when you come to class, or email to MasterWilson@Master-SH-Yu.com.
Here are your Essay Questions:
Essay Question: Adult/Teen Students – March 2022 – Thanks to Asst. Instructor Margot and her NinjaDad for this outstanding essay question!
“Why do we study ‘Forms’ as part of our martial arts practice?”
Essay Question: Children – March 2022
“Why is it important to attend class regularly, and How can we continue to make steady progress in our practice?”
We can’t wait to hear your responses, listen to your ideas, and see your creativity! Remember: children can submit their response as a drawing or illustration to go with their words.
Have FUN creating your Essay!
Essay Examples
Featured Essays: How to Conquer Yourself
What is Promotion? Essay Response from a Martial Arts Student