Essay Question – September 2024 Promotion Test
Kudos, HighFives, and Congrats to our students who came forward for their Quarterly Promotion Test! So PROUD of you ALL!!!
Here’s the essay question, straight from the GOAT himself (it’s a good one!):
“What is REAL Discipline?”
You can use the essay preparation guidelines as a guide – you can write or draw your response to the question.
Have fun with it! Reflect, Write, (or draw), Prepare, and Present your Essay at your upcoming PROMOTION CEREMONY on Friday, September 20, 2024. Bring your essay with you to the ceremony – and if you’re not able to be with us for the actual ceremony, bring it anytime after 9.20 and we will save your promotion for you!
And, some of you might be wondering………..why do we write essays (there’s an archive essay question on that very topic!!). The short answer is it gives us a chance to THINK about why we are studying martial arts and pursuing this practice; it gives us a chance to GO BEYOND the physical movements; it gives us a chance to develop greater DISCIPLINE, and PATIENCE, and CONFIDENCE in sharing and presenting ourselves; it gives us a chance to INSPIRE!
For any questions or concerns, reach out to: MasterWilson@Master-SH-Yu.com
Essay Examples
Featured Essays: How to Conquer Yourself
What is Promotion? Essay Response from a Martial Arts Student
Essays: The Best ways to Improve Myself through Martial Arts Study