Martial Arts Promotion Test Essay – December 2022
Congratulations to our AWESOMES who stepped forward and did their BEST for their TEST during our quarterly test/December 2022. So much talent out there!
We are getting ready for our Promotion Ceremony on Friday, December 16th during class times. Don’t worry, if you can’t make it on Friday, we will have your promotion ready for you the next time you come to class. Meanwhile, now is YOUR TIME to prepare your Martial Arts Promotion Essay. Please bring these to class on Friday 12.16 (or next time you are here), and be ready to present. New students, check out the Essay Preparation Guidelines here on the website, and just have a good time expressing yourself!
We have separate questions this time – one for our Children, and another for our Teen/Adult Students.
Children’s Essay Question:
“How I can conduct myself well everywhere as a Martial Artist?”
Adult/Teen Essay Question:
Our uniform has on it 2 beautiful Chinese Characters, which is INAY, on the left, over our hearts – the motto of our school and our practice. This is also at the center of the Dojhang Practice Space. For your reflection, “What is the meaning of INAY?”
Any questions? MasterWilson@Master-SH-Yu.com or ask us when you come to class!
Essay Examples
Featured Essays: How to Conquer Yourself
What is Promotion? Essay Response from a Martial Arts Student