Martial Arts Essay Question – December 2023
Congratulations to everyone who stepped up to TEST for their promotion – we are proud of all of you. We see your hard work, study and dedication making a positive difference!
We are happy to offer 2 alternative essay questions for you – please choose one and write your essay per our essay preparation guidelines. Children (and adults!) are encouraged to submit a drawing with their written words. Parents, we hope you will have fun with your children discussing the options and applying it to their martial arts practice and their young lives – a wonderful teaching moment!
Here are your Essay Question Options:
1. As martial artists, why do we have a code of etiquette?
2. What is “Honor”, and why is it important in our martial arts practice?
Please prepare your essay and bring it to your promotion ceremony on Friday, December 15th: 5pm Kids; 7pm Adults/Teens. If you aren’t able to be with us to celebrate on December 15th, no worries: bring your essay anytime on or after 12.15, and we will make sure you receive your promotion next time you are with us!
Enjoy preparing your essays! We are looking forward to hearing your reflections and presentation!
– artwork by Instructor Johanna Vargas/VargasArt
Essay Examples
Featured Essays: How to Conquer Yourself
What is Promotion? Essay Response from a Martial Arts Student
Essays: The Best ways to Improve Myself through Martial Arts Study