Essay Question – August 2021 Promotion Test
Congratulations to everybody who came forward for Promotion at our Pop-Up Test on August 7th. It is awesome to see your advancement, and most importantly, we are so thankful for your commitment to safety and joy in your practice.
Here is your essay question:
“How can I truly enjoy my martial arts class time and from there, continue to make progress?”
Essay preparation guidelines are here. A reminder that drawings and words are both appreciated!
There is not a dedicated promotion ceremony this time as we are continuing to mind our COVID precautions. Please complete your essay and turn it in anytime the week of August 16th. We will have your belts and certificates ready that week for you to receive either before or at the end of class.
Essay Examples
Featured Essays: How to Conquer Yourself
What is Promotion? Essay Response from a Martial Arts Student
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Any questions? Contact MasterWilson@Master-SH-Yu.com