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Martial Artist’s Guide To Success

Martial Artist’s Guide to Success

Previously Published, our “Samurai’s Guide to Success in Battle”

  1. Survive
  2. Make a Plan for the Long Journey
  3. Nurture and fortify your Health: stay alert to this.
  4. Be Patient: The Character InNay depicts laying quietly beneath the sword blade –  on top is the sword, beneath symbolizes  the human heart)  Inay is your shield.
  5. Maintain your weekly martial arts practice schedule.
  6. Follow & Wait for Government Orders: whatever they decide, we support: it is our duty (refer to #1 of the creed)
  7. Be ready for the next steps.
  8. Conserve and maintain for the long journey: preserve your strength and do not be over-eager to add new skills right now.
  9. Focus on Basic training – add on 1 or 2 extra pushups/squats/kicks per day or week.  Most importantly: DO NOT GET INJURED with careless, unsupervised jumps or joint-locks.   Our hospitals are busy and we must respect the physicians and healthcare staff to dedicate to people who really need them.
  10. Suit-up for your Daily Practice Time!

Have you made a list for yourself and/or your family?

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